Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clean or Cluttered?

Since I am a stay-at-home mom part of my job is keeping the house clean. I am rotten. This means writing a check for my cleaning lady twice a month. Of course I do have a husband+two kids+an indoor dog. All of those things mean that I must do daily maintenance. My husband is fairly easygoing and takes things in stride. I have learned in the years we have been married that he HATES clutter. He can’t think when the house is a mess.

Not because he gets mad if the house is cluttered, but out of respect for his feelings in the afternoon before he gets home we spend 10-15 minutes cleaning up.

What that usually consists of is:

  • clearing the kitchen counters (even if that means just putting the dirty dishes into the sink to get them off the counter)
  • making sure there are not blankets everywhere (we use lots of throws)
  • the backpacks and jackets are put away
  • dog toys put away
  • making sure lights and televisions we are not using are turned off (the girls and I are bad about that)

And the final step is spraying cleaner. He walks in the door smells the cleaner and even if the list didn't get done, he thinks I have done something. Most days he calls on his way home and gives what has become to be referred to as the 10 minute warning.

This may seem outdated, but as I said, it is out of respect for one another that I do this.

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