Monday, April 6, 2009

Cooking and Cleaning (the story of my life)

So its Monday......

On Tuesday I absoloutely must clean my oven.

My oldest angel (14) thought she would try to cook her favorite food in the oven. Everything tastes better in the oven. Only you can't really cook BACON in the oven. I am complaining. However both of my girls generally eat cold cereal for breakfast, and I let them. Occasionally they decide to have something else and will make it for themselves. I have a little guilt over this. Being a SAHM, you would think I could at least get up and fix my girls a good breakfast. When they were younger they told me frequently that I do not cook as good as their Papa (my daddy). I agree totally with them. He never taught me to cook. I pretty much had to learn on the fly after I married and moved out of his house.

What I am telling you is, there will not be a recipe blog coming from me. Or a menu for the week/month post.

Fitting for the new lifestyle we do not eat fried anything. Only we never have. That's a lie. I never cook fried anything. We do eat fried foods.

My SIL has lost quite a bit of weight (33 lbs. since 1-1-2009), she cut out sodas, is walking on her treadmill and doing WW online. I say YAY for her! And I am a bit jealous. I guess if I were doing those things it might happen for me as well.

In the next couple of days I am going to post a picture! I want to see what you all look like and I will do the same!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lynn!

    I'm going to post a picture this week too. I just need to figure out what outfit I can do all my results pictures in that will show a difference.
