Could be that I spend entirely too much time on facebook.
Why? you ask…
While doing my grocery shopping I became irritated by the people that leave their buggy in the aisle.
That doesn’t quite explain it.
What does explain it is the thought that ran through my head was
Lynn became a fan of people who don’t leave their buggy in the middle of the aisle and walk away.
Which lead me to think of everything in the store in terms of:
Lynn became a fan of….
leaving your spouse at home when shopping because the price of Doritos doesn’t require the analysis of both of you
picking up the things that fall off of the shelf when you bump into them so they aren’t left laying in the middle of the store
not blocking an entire aisle while stopping to visit with your friends
bread that is soft when you squeeze it
buggies that don’t squeak
looking at magazine in line and putting them back
not having to lift the big things out of the buggy to check them
putting the buggy away in the parking lot so it doesn’t hit a car
And that is just a few of the things I am fan of….
Am I the only one that does this? Or are you a fan of things too?